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Saturday, December 13, 2014

First Semester of College

I feel as if I have really grown in the past few months. I have gone from sad and angry to happy and hopeful. It's really weird how much I have just evolved. 

I started college with the idea that I would make a bunch of friends and hang out with them all the time and that wasn't exactly the case. I made friends, a lot more than I thought I would but it really took me awhile to really get to know them. I know people that I went to high school with or even grew up with and it was fine to say hi every now and then but it was always annoying when I would walk to class or to the parking lot and someone would call my name or wave until I acknowledged them. I was never really friends with anyone in high school, my closest friends, they left or something happened and we always lost touch. So I guess you can say I never really had someone to call my best friend. I talked to a lot of people in high school, more than I'd like to admit but I mainly tried to keep to myself. So for people who I rarely or never bothered with in high school to talk to me now, it's just kind of awkward. But nevertheless I still made friends.

I became friends with a Pima girl  named, Charlene and this girl from Mexico who just moved to Arizona to go to school, her name is Karen. There's a bit of a language barrier due to the fact that she just barely learned English last year in order to study here. Charlene, she incredibly shy. She actually didn't talk to me until three weeks ago because of a crazy long assignment our psych professor gave us over Thanksgiving. I 

These are only two of the people I befriended. I surprisingly talked to a lot of people, about different things and it was fun and interesting getting to hear their feedback. I really think my CPD150 class was the reason I came out of my shell a bit more. CPD150 or College Strategies for Success or whatever it's called, was probably one of those classes that started to hate at first and towards the end, it got so incredibly interesting and deep because we all got to know each other and it was just really sad. Our last class was Wednesday and our two instructors, Miguel and Kim, bought us donuts, pizza, and cookies and finished the two last career presentations. And then we all sat in a circle and then someone said, "It's really sad because after this we're no longer going to speak to each other. There really isn't a reason for us to unless we're going to see each other in another class or make an effort to be friends and hang out." And that hit a lot of us hard because a lot of us were fresh out of high school and the whole changing your entire schedule is entirely new to us. 

I actually had people ask me what classes I was taking next semester because they wanted to take a class with someone they knew and I suppose it's nice that they want to take class with me again or are even considering it if it fits their schedule. That's cool. It would be great to know someone in my classes too but I'm just excited because who knows who I'm going to meet next semester? 

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